Foundation for innovations and
sustainable development

The Foundation for Innovations and Sustainable Development was established with the aim of promoting innovation in Moldova, attracting investments to the country, and facilitating self-sustaining development of the nation and its regions. Our primary objective is to foster transformative technological and socio-economic advancements in Moldova’s regions, resulting in an enhanced standard of living and improved quality of life for citizens. We strive to provide citizens with the necessary conditions, enabling environment, and opportunities to realize their potential and apply their individual talents.
Natalya Suditu

Natalya Suditu

... "bring your Innovative ideas to Life. Ask me How"


Evgeny Kamenshchik


Galina Burimechkova

Principles of the Foundation's activities

“The Foundation operates based on the principles of Freedom, Equal Opportunities and Transparency.”.

“Foundation activity is fully apolitical”.

Through its activities, the Foundation promotes the values and interests of civil society, democracy and constitutional state on the basis of open competition, strictly following the ethical norms of the non-profit sector.

Foundation supports initiatives in the areas of : Education, Community development, Innovation and Technology, Ecology/“GREEN TECHNOLOGY” - with the purpose of acceleration of the social-economic development processes of Moldovan regions.



Project: “Creation of Innovative Center TEKWILL TARACLIA”.
Project Goal: Creation, implementation and development of the Innovational Center "TEKWILL TARACLIA"

Project "E-Learning content development for Tekwill Academy".
Project Goal: Creation and development of 5 Cources in ICT field foe Tekwill Academy

Project "E-LEARNING4S".
Project Goal: Integration of educational platform into Moldova regional schools.

Project "ROBOTICA".
Project Goal: Provision of the required environment for motivation, along with vocational training of the pupils prior to their entering into High Education institutions followed by their job engagements with the companies on the following specializations: roboting, information Technologies and other as appropriate.


Civil Society

Project "Selection and development of the young teams: Development of the civil society".
Project Goal: increase the level of the youngsters social inclusion, through engaging them into decision-taking processes of the local societies.

Project Goal: Launch of the local municipalities Voting systems based on Delegative Democracy principles and blockchain technology.



Project "Creation of technological, social, educational tools for the purpose of Environmental restoration, based on the consolidation of intersectoral participation of stakeholders: local and civil society, public authorities, youth, etc"(Pilot project).
Project Goal: Strengthen the socio-economic potential and improve the living conditions of the local community of the Taraclia district by solving environmental problems, creating favorable conditions through tools: educational, technological, social, based on the consolidation of intersectoral participation of stakeholders: local authorities, local/civil society, youth, etc

Project “Development and implementation of agroecological Innovations and Technologies in agriculture according to the principles of Smart specialization”.
Project Goal: To increase the level of competitiveness and ensuring sustainable development of the region of Taraclia and the ATU Gagauzia through the introduction of agroecological innovations and technologies taking into account climate change.

Project “Feasibility study for establishing a ICT Innovation hub and Excellence Centre in Cahul”.
Project Goal: To research innovation potential for establishing a ICT Innovation

Project “Launch of Innovative business Incubator”.
Project Goal: Support and development of the newly established companies and newcomer entrepreneurs by provisioning them at early stage of their businesses with specially priced office/premises lease conditions, consultation Services, accounting Services, legal services and many others that are required for a business launch.



Project "My Clean City".
Project Goal: Offer to inhabitants a simple way to manage their living wastes.

Project "Excellent Center AgroTERRA".
Project Goal: To create an innovative infrastructure for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural companies in the South Region of Republic of Moldova.

Why us?


Professionalism and existing Expertise

We take pride in our team of certified experts and proven professionals who specialize in various domains, including IT, Community development, Innovations and Technological Transfer, Ecology, GREEN Technology Regional Infrastructure, and many others. Our team members bring years of experience and expertise to the table, ensuring that we offer exceptional quality services to our clients. Our commitment to professionalism and expertise means that we always stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments, ensuring that we provide cutting-edge solutions to our clients. We are dedicated to offering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients, helping them achieve their goals and succeed in their endeavors.


Strategic Partnerships

Our Foundation has forged numerous strategic partnerships with various state and international organizations. These partnerships are aimed at facilitating the development and implementation of initiatives that seek to transform Moldova's regions, with the ultimate goal of improving the standard of living and quality of life for its citizens.

Our partnerships with these organizations are founded on mutual respect and trust, and we work closely with them to identify and prioritize the most pressing issues affecting Moldova's regions. Through these partnerships, we are able to leverage the expertise, resources, and networks of these organizations to develop sustainable solutions that address these challenges.


Individual Approach

At our Foundation, we understand that every project and situation is unique, and as such, we are committed to adopting an individualized approach to each case. Our guiding principle is to provide personalized attention to every client, ensuring that we take into account their specific needs and tailor our solutions accordingly.

This approach has been instrumental in achieving success in our projects, and it has earned us the trust of civil and business societies. Our commitment to providing tailored solutions enables us to effectively address issues on all levels, from the individual to the organizational level.

Our Services:

  • Writing of the projects for organizations and interested persons in different areas and topics;

  • Implementation of the project: implementation of all included activities , writing reports (narrative, financial);

  • Consulting on defining the trends, opportunities, risks and successful implementation of you (future) projects;

  • Organization of the Trainings on Project proposal writing and fundraising;

  • Individual consultations on the launch of any type of the projects;

  • Mentoring services, technological support from the initiation phase to the successful completion of the project.